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ProcessWire 2.4.0 PHP Requirements?

Lance O.

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The ProcessWire requirements page states that ProcessWire requires PHP version 5.2.4 or greater.


Yet when I just tried to install ProcessWire 2.4.0, I receive the following error:

ProcessWire requires PHP version 5.3.8 or newer. You are running PHP 5.3.3-7+squeeze19"

I'm installing on a host I've never used before, and I'm not sure what "squeeze19" is. Why is ProcessWire giving me this error? What are the actual PHP version requirements?

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That page has not been updated....

Here's the actual requirements (aka officially supported)



Although, I think I read somewhere in the forums that some people have managed to use it with PHP 5.2.x...

Edit: Squeeze seems to be Debian 6?

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Any reason why the requirements page hasn't been updated?

That's the page that I send to my clients and their hosting companies. How do I explain to my hosting company contact that I've been providing them with the wrong information and they have wasted their time this week trying to get this site running correctly? Grrrrr.

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I've changed the PHP version on that page, but I feel it should also mention PDO and maybe some other things - I'll PM ryan in a bit to make sure he sees this.

If all else fails though, the installer tells you which PHP version you need - hence the message. Granted the website should be kept up to date, but if the installer requests something then that's the required version.

Squeeze seems to be something to do with Debian perhaps: https://packages.debian.org/squeeze/ ? Not sure what it is and never seen it before to be honest.

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Good guess from Pete :)

Most Linux distributions provide certain level of support for packages, such as PHP, included in their (still supported) releases. They won't upgrade PHP as a whole, but they'll backport security fixes. PHP 5.3.3-7+squeeze19 is simply PHP version shipped with Debian release "squeeze" and contains, most likely, various security enhancements over "vanilla" PHP 5.3.3.

By the way, regarding required PHP version there's another thread you might want to take a look at too.

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Yes, the installer tells you which PHP version you need, but that's only if you are using the installer. I was exporting/importing the database from a development server to a production server. The site ran fine until I tried to log into the admin and received a "Unable to generate password hash" error.

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@Lance: weird thing here is that nothing should've changed regarding passwords and hashes between 2.3 and 2.4. These parts of the code are exactly identical as far as I can tell.

I'd try installing a fresh 2.4 on this server you're using. If it works properly, then the problem most definitely has something to do with stored users and the password reset trick just didn't (for some reason I can't quite comprehend) work. Another thing you could try would be creating entirely new user via API, so that it's definitely specific to this particular server.

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