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phpbb integration


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The two should run alongside each other just fine. For instance, this forum (SMF) is running alongside ProcessWire, and I just modified the default SMF theme to match the rest of the site. But "integration" can mean many things, so I wanted to find out more specifically what you mean in this case?

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Hi ryan, and thank you for answering so quicly.

By "integration"  I mean non only include the forum into the site, but also to have a unique user access for both phpbb and the site. That is, I'd like that users don't have to login twice.

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Very likely this could be developed with add on modules relatively easily. For instance, I have another ProcessWire site that is integrated into Drupal's user system, and implementation was fairly straightforward (at least on the ProcessWire side!). We use this for providing access to members-only articles, whereby a user makes a subscription purchase in UberCart/Drupal and then they gain a time-limited role in ProcessWire that gives them access to those members-only articles. Granted, this could have been done in just Drupal, but the site is broader than that and better suited for ProcessWire in all other respects. So that's one example of user integration. Can you give me an example from the PHPBB side, of what additional functions you would want to provide to the PHPBB user in ProcessWire? That will help me to better understand the goal, so that I can make suggestions on implementation.

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