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Tour and Trek Site


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Like the site! It'd be nice if the vertical scrolling photos paused on hover. Also I clicked one at went here where PW threw out an error. Guessing you know about config.php 

$config->debug = true;

...saved me totally recently when I made a site live and the obscure public-facing error changed into a clear message about a Module needing a PHP resource my hoster didn't have.

Congrats on the site!

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The site looks great - nice and clean, simple and bright!

I do have quite a few issues I noticed though. Please don't take offense - I think most of them appear to have resulted when you migrated from your local development machine to live. Hope these observations are helpful to you.

On this page:


The image right below "A great experience of mountain flight in Nepal" is broken. The link is to:

http://localhost/tourntrek_cms/site/assets/files/1035/nepalmountainflight.jpg - note the localhost link!

The entire gallery page is currently broken: http://www.tourntrek.com/demo/gallery/

If I go to submit the inquiry form or the contact, they both return an error.

On the hotel reservation form, the popup that says I haven't filled out required fields uses the field names, eg: "phno" - not very friendly for the end user. If I do fill everything out, I get the same error page as the other forms. Also, I think it would be good to have popup date pickers for the to and from date fields, or at a minimum an example of the date format that is required - at the moment it accepts any text you want. I think it would be nice to have a dropdown list of hotel names to choose from, or at least some info on where to find hotels that can be entered in this field.

The link to "more info" in the left sidebar is broken

I really do hope that helps!

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Thnx adrian.

It is an old static site. It's owner asked me to integrate it to a CMS so that he can update it himself.(looks like it hasn't been updated for at least 2-3 years).

I fixed the the links but am still working on the forms :P

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I can't see the vertical scroller pause at all. If you take a look at jacrousellite1.js you'll see the line:

hoverPause: false

That should be the setting you need to change.

Also, regarding the image fading gallery below that - in the scrollimage.js script, there is this section commented out. Did you do that, or did the script come that way? Maybe try uncommenting and see how the performance is.

		//Usage of hover event resulted in performance problems
				.css('opacity', 0)
				.animate({opacity: 1}, 1000);
		}, function(){
				.animate({opacity: 0}, 300);
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