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ProcessWire for apps


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I've been looking at PHP frameworks and considering learning one to make apps. I've been reading some Laravel tutorials and it seems like even I could propably make some simple apps in it :D But then I thought it might be possible and easier with ProcessWire.

Here's my question. Is it possible to have a login form as your homepage which redirects you to a custom page where I can have complete control of the output? Lets say I wanted to create a simple todo app. There would only be a list of items and a create new/delete buttton. This would make all the database, field, users management so much more convenient compared to other frameworks.

If this is possible please point me to some tutorials or code examples if you've done something similar yourself.


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Yes, it is possible and has been done. I am in a hurry so can't go into details but there are at least two examples in the forum. One, a bookmarking app by Jonathan and the other an Intranet app.

No code examples for the above two, atm..but, yes, it can be done :D

See also Diogo's Admin Custom Pages module. You can also do this by creating your own Process Module.

Edited by kongondo
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