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Quickly setting up fields

Marty Walker

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I'm not sure if this is an API question but here goes. On a few recent sites I find myself creating the same sets of fields over and over - for a 'settings' page for example. Is there a way I can import/create a group of fields quickly?

If you haven't seem Ryan's Form Builder there's a nifty import/export tool. That's what got me thinking about this.



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I think that module only imports data into existing fields. And the 'issue' with the profile exporter is that it's an all or nothing approach - which is great - but I'm after a selective approach to adding multiple fields.

For example my 'Settings' page would have anything from five to a dozen fields of various types: textfields for site name, email field for contact emails, check boxes for toggling sidebars on and off... the list goes on.

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My little workaround 

<?php if(!$input->post->import && !$fieldsImport && !$input->post->generate): ?>
<hr />
<h4>Separate Fields by comma like this: i,am,a,new,field</h4>

<form name="importform" method="post" action="./">
<div class="span3">
        <p><label>Field Prefix?</label>
        <input type="text" name="prefix" /></p>
      <div class="span3">
        <p><label>Field Tag?</label>
        <input type="text" name="fieldtag" /></p>
      <div class="span3">
        <p><label>assign to </label>
        <select name="template">
        <?php foreach($templates as $singleTemplate): ?>
          <option value="<?php echo $singleTemplate->name ?>"><?php echo $singleTemplate->name ?></option>
          <?php endforeach ?>
  <div class="span12"><textarea name="string"><?php echo $input->post->string ?></textarea><p><input type="submit" name="import" value="import" /></p></div>

<?php endif ?>


      $fieldsImport = $input->post->string;
      $fieldsImport = explode(',', $fieldsImport);
  if($fieldsImport): ?>
    <hr />
    <form name="fieldform" method="post" action="./">

      <div class="row"><div class="span12"><hr /></div></div>
          <?php foreach($fieldsImport as $fieldNew): ?>
      $alleTypes = '<select class="required" name="'.$fieldNew.'">
            <option selected="selected" value=""/>
            <option value="Checkbox">Checkbox</option>
            <option value="Email">Email</option>
            <option value="File">File</option>
            <option value="Image">Image</option>
            <option value="Page">Page</option>
            <option value="Text">Text</option>
            <option value="Textarea">Textarea</option>
            <option value="URL">URL</option>

        <li><?php echo $fieldNew ?> <?php echo $alleTypes ?></li>

      <?php endforeach ?>
      <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $input->post->prefix ?>" name="prefix" />
      <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $input->post->template ?>" name="template" />
      <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $input->post->fieldtag ?>" name="tag" />
      <input type="submit" name="generate" value="generate" />
    <?php endif ?>

      $prefix = $input->post->prefix;
      $tags = $input->post->tag;
      $template = $input->post->template;      
      $addedFields = $fieldgroups->get('name='.$template);  
      foreach($input->post as $key => $val){
        if($key != 'prefix' && $key != 'tag' && $key != 'generate' && $key != 'template'){
          $f = new Field;
          if($prefix){$f->name = $prefix.'_'.$key;}else{$f->name = $key;}
          $f->type = $val;
          $f->tags = '-'.$tags;
          echo "$key = $val <br />";


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