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Working with PW with multiple people / in a team

Michiel Auerbach

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So here's the outline, me and some of my friends are working on a site together.

using Git we share our code and updates but everytime someone alters something we have to re-do the steps of the otherone because of the database-conflicts if someone creates a new page ID's are shuffled.

Is there a way to work in a Team with PW that works better?

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using Git we share our code and updates but everytime someone alters something we have to re-do the steps of the otherone because of the database-conflicts if someone creates a new page ID's are shuffled.

If you don't want to re-trace steps of page, field or template creation, you may want to share a database server with your team. It doesn't matter what system you are working in, if everyone is running their own copy of the database, that's something that needs to be resolved when pushing them back together. Another option is to use the API to create your pages/fields/templates and script them. But the reality is, most of one's work in ProcessWire typically isn't in the creation of these things–instead, it's working in code. So your best bet is to write code that doesn't rely upon specific database IDs, and instead abstract to retrieving things by name, path, template, etc.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey Ryan,

Thnx for the answer, I posted the question and forgot to check (was hopeing for a mail :-s)

Anyway we found a some-what other solution, we just dump the DB to our local-DB-server that we work, and put all info except the assets/files and assets/sessions in our git repo.

With the script to import the DB we also copy the info from assets/files from the live location.

This way our clients can work with the live enviroment, we can import all the live-data to our local computers and work at it this way.

Only two 'real' downsides are that 'stuff' that gets thrown away in the live enviroment in assets/files isn;t deleted localy and the fact that if you change something in your local database / back-end you need to 'redo' that or do it on the live enviroment and then dump the DB back (or we can also dump our local DB to the live enviroment, but you need to be super-carefull with that offcourse)

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