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Is there a way to force TFA for all users?


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Just that really. I'm using Ryan's TfaEmail module. I can force this on users by role in LoginRegisterPro — but how can I do it for back-end users? Is it possible? I.e. So any already created users use it and also any futures ones — and prevent it from being switched off.


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Hello @DrQuincy,

have you tried this:


Here’s how it’ll work. You’ll install the TfaEmail module, and in the ProcessLogin module settings, you’ll be able to select the roles that TFA is required for (like you currently select the roles that TFA is “recommended” for). When a user logs in and has TFA required, then they’ll see the auth-code screen, along with a message telling them to check their email for the code. At this point, users may also select the “remember me” option.

Source: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.159/

Regards, Andreas

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Thanks for the link! There is no such option on the TfaEmail module page. I only get two settings for the code, the “from” email and the method of sending the email.

I get that option in LoginRegisterPro — but not for back-end users.

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