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missing the tree-view


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After playing around a bit with the page grid i see that I no longer have the menu with the settings and breakpoints (toggle tree view, etc)

is it a setting somewhere or a bug? tx!


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3 hours ago, joe_g said:

is there a way to keep the top menu but hide styles?

No the menu is connected to the style panel. Can you explain why you need the menu?

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The menu is handy for switching between breakpoints (mobile, desktop, etc). Also it seems like the only way to toggle and view the tree view. The tree view is useful for selecting stuff - it can be finicky to try to select things in the page itself.

Although I don't want my client to start changing margins and typefaces, then things will deteriorate quickly :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the solution in this case would be to keep the style panel enabled. The panel is only shown to users with the right permission anyway. Your client will never see the panel.

You can test this when you create a user and assign the role "pagegrid-editor". This role is created by PAGEGRID when you install the module. With this role your client always sees the edit buttons and can use the inline editor, no need for the tree view.

You can learn more about PAGEGRID's permission and user management here.

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