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Any way to access $languages API var inside Page Class?


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I was wondering if there is a way to access the $language variable inside my DefaultPage class.
I’d like, inside this class to define a lang property, rather then in the page template.

public function __construct(Template $tpl = null)
		$this->lang = $languages->getLanguage; // doesn’t work, $languages is not accessible inside the class


Edited by TomPich
Correct typo
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Thanks, but unfortunately, I tried these before asking, because it seemed logical. All of this return NULL.

But it seems it’s because I try to do this in the constructor. It’s apparently too early for that. When I do that in a method, it works.
So maybe combined with a hook, I can acheive what I want.

class HomePage extends DefaultPage {
	public function __construct(Template $tpl = null)
		$this->lang1 = $this->languages; // NULL
		$this->lang2 = wire()->languages; // NULL
		$this->lang3 = wire('languages'); // NULL

	public function lang(){
		return $this->languages; // NULL
		return wire()->languages->getLanguage()->name; // works!
		return wire('languages')->getLanguage()->name; // works!
Edited by TomPich
Found (not so satisfying) answer
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Shouldn't it be more like this:

class HomePage extends DefaultPage {
	public function __construct(Template $tpl = null)
		$this->lang1 = $this->languages(); // added ()
		$this->lang2 = wire()->languages(); // added ()

	public function lang(){
		return $this->languages(); // added ()

Can't test right now but the docs say so.

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Before class initialized you can't access the languages.

class HomePage extends DefaultPage {
	public function __construct(Template $tpl = null)

		// not initialized at here
		echo '<pre>' . print_r($this->wire()->modules->get('LanguageSupport'), true) . '</pre>';

	public function lang(){
		// now you have some data on LanguageSupport module
		echo '<pre>' . print_r($this->wire()->modules->get('LanguageSupport'), true) . '</pre>';
		// get default language
		echo '<pre>' . print_r($this->wire()->languages->getDefault(), true) . '</pre>';
		// get available page languages
        echo '<pre>' . print_r($this->getLanguages(), true) . '</pre>';

its same for modules. you can access languages inside init(), ready() methods. not inside __construct()

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