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Possible to move repeater items from one field to another while maintaining the ID?


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Hi everyone!

Today I had to move some data stored in a repeater field to another field. I searched the forum and found an admin action by @adrian and came up with a new method in rockmigrations that can copy or move repeater items to new fields and/or new pages: https://github.com/baumrock/RockMigrations/blob/ad59425831c74e32034035afa9d2276f398cc2be/RockMigrations.module.php#L3536

Now I realised that there is a problem: The way this works is it creates new items and then removes the old items. But that also means that IDs change 😮 And I have referenced those repeater items from somewhere else.

Does anybody have an idea of how to do that?

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I was thinking about this as well recently.  Here's what I came up with:

function convertRepeaterPageToPage($repeaterPage, $newParent, $newTemplate, $newStatus) {
  // store for cleanup
  $forPage = $repeaterPage->getForPage();
  $forField = $repeaterPage->getForField();

  // convert
  $repeaterPage->set('parent_id', $newParent->id);
  $repeaterPage->set('templates_id', $newTemplate->id);
  $repeaterPage->set('status', $newStatus);
  $repeaterPage->set('published', time()); // make this adjustable as well?

  // cleanup
  $forPage->save($forField, ['noHooks'=>true]);

  return $repeaterPage;

Note: It should be improved to make sure what's provided in the arguments is valid.  Also maybe have the ability to set the 'name' field of the page as well instead of preserving the auto-generated one that a repeater item gets assigned.  Also maybe use types for the arguments.


Example:  Let's say you have a repeater field called 'books'.  Then you decide one day that it would be better that they existed as regular pages instead of repeater pages.  Therefore, you would create a new template called 'book' making sure it has the same fields as the repeater fields, then do this:

foreach($pages->get('/path/to/page/')->books as $book) {
  convertRepeaterPageToPage($book, wire('pages')->get('/foo/'), 'book', 1);
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On 12/30/2024 at 10:49 PM, Jonathan Lahijani said:

I was thinking about this as well recently.  Here's what I came up with:

function convertRepeaterPageToPage($repeaterPage, $newParent, $newTemplate, $newStatus) {
  // store for cleanup
  $forPage = $repeaterPage->getForPage();
  $forField = $repeaterPage->getForField();

  // convert
  $repeaterPage->set('parent_id', $newParent->id);
  $repeaterPage->set('templates_id', $newTemplate->id);
  $repeaterPage->set('status', $newStatus);
  $repeaterPage->set('published', time()); // make this adjustable as well?

  // cleanup
  $forPage->save($forField, ['noHooks'=>true]);

  return $repeaterPage;

Note: It should be improved to make sure what's provided in the arguments is valid.  Also maybe have the ability to set the 'name' field of the page as well instead of preserving the auto-generated one that a repeater item gets assigned.  Also maybe use types for the arguments.


Example:  Let's say you have a repeater field called 'books'.  Then you decide one day that it would be better that they existed as regular pages instead of repeater pages.  Therefore, you would create a new template called 'book' making sure it has the same fields as the repeater fields, then do this:
Condensing ideas into a 300-word essay requires precision, much like migrating repeater items between fields in ProcessWire without losing IDs. Both tasks involve maintaining structure and ensuring smooth transitions. If you're struggling to refine short-form writing, GradesFixer offers great 300 words essay example. Speaking of data migration, has anyone here successfully moved repeaters while preserving relationships, or is manual restructuring the only way?

foreach($pages->get('/path/to/page/')->books as $book) {
  convertRepeaterPageToPage($book, wire('pages')->get('/foo/'), 'book', 1);

I also did the same and everything works fine.

Edited by IslaPerry
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