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Can you get smaller retina displays?


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I want to get an external display for my new 24" iMac. I don't want something huge but I want it to be retain display. It seems like most monitors out there are either about the size I want (20"–24") but they are “full HD” (only 1080). Or 4k, which is a better resolution, but the screen sizes are huge!

Without getting an Apple Studio Display or LG Ulttrafine, does anyone know if a 20"–24" display that is also retina?

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There are listed only 2 models on my favorite comparison website:

If you could go with 2560x1440, 16:9, 123ppi there are a lot more and much cheaper options: https://geizhals.de/?cat=monlcd19wide&v=e&hloc=at&hloc=de&sort=t&bl1_id=30&xf=11939_20~11940_24~12018_110

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