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ImageMagick vs Filezilla, which is better for webcomic hosting?


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Webcomic Site Software Comparison

Would ImageMagick work good for a webcomic site or is FileZilla the better option? How do they work and what’s the pros and cons of them?

ImageMagick and FileZilla are two different types of software. ImageMagick is an image manipulation program, while FileZilla is a file transfer protocol (FTP) client.

ImageMagick can be used to process and manipulate images, such as resizing, cropping, and converting file formats. It can be useful for a webcomic site if you need to process and edit images before uploading them to the site.

FileZilla, on the other hand, is used to transfer files between a local computer and a server. It is a popular FTP client that can be used to upload files to a web server. FileZilla would be useful for uploading webcomic images to a website or web server.

The main advantage of ImageMagick is its ability to process and manipulate images, which can save time and effort when creating and uploading webcomics. The main advantage of FileZilla is its ease of use and reliability when uploading files to a server.

In summary, ImageMagick is an image manipulation tool, while FileZilla is a file transfer tool, both of them can be useful for a webcomic site, but for different purposes. The choice will depend on the specific requirements of your webcomic site.

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4 hours ago, gebeer said:



Ohh, I see. I thought they were the same thing at first.

Is it possible to use both then? I plan for uploading images straight too the site and do all the editing before uploading, but other users might need that. In all honesty, I might not need to use ImageMagick myself but will still have it on the site for others that might need it

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Honestly, when I read your first question, I thought this was spam because I couldn't make sense of it. Sorry for that. May I kindly ask you to edit your last post and remove my clearname from the quote? When pasting from ChatGPT, that got transferred. I thought I had deleted it, but... Would be very much appreciated. Once that is done, I am happy to answer your question. 

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10 hours ago, gebeer said:

ImageMagick can be used to process and manipulate images, such as resizing, cropping, and converting file formats. It can be useful for a webcomic site if you need to process and edit images before uploading them to the site.

The computer mostly did a good job, but I wouldn’t put it quite like this. One major thing to note about ImageMagick is that it is generally used without a graphical user interface and in fact without immediate user input. If the server on which you run ProcessWire has ImageMagick installed, ProcessWire can use it to create versions of your images in different sizes such as thumbnails. Shared hosting providers sometimes offer this (some don’t, but ProcessWire can also use a different library called “GD”).

Basically you wouldn’t manually use ImageMagick before uploading images to your site.

FileZilla can be used to install ProcessWire and transfer your own PHP code, but for uploading images and managing your webcomic, you would use ProcessWire’s admin area. That is, you would upload images over HTTP instead of FTP. ProcessWire then automatically creates thumbnails and puts everything where it needs to be (on the file system and in the database). To do this as a user you don’t need to know what any of these things mean. You just click upload, choose your images and hit save.

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