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Composing title field using other fields


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I'd like to have a title field "First name second name" which is automatically composed by a "First name" and a "Second name" fields.

For example, if I have a page with John Ford as first name and second name respectively, I'd like to have the title as "John Ford" (without quotes).

Is it possible?


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You could hook after "InputfieldText::processInput". That way you can also check for the uniquness of the name/title if you need to, and add your error messages as needed.

Here is a similar hook I use in a project:

<?php namespace ProcessWire;
wire()->addHookAfter("InputfieldText::processInput", function ($event) {
    /* @var $page AddonPage */
    $field = $event->object;
    if ($field->name == "suffix") {
        $page = modules()->ProcessPageEdit->getPage();
        if ($page->template != "addon") return;

        //The final title and name is based on the fields: addon_addon + suffix (both are text fields)
        $suffix = $field->value;  
        $suffixFormatted = " (" . $field->value . ")";

        $addon = session()->get('addon_addon');

        $titleNew = empty($suffix) ? $addon : $addon . $suffixFormatted;

        $nameNew = wire()->sanitizer->pageName($titleNew, true);
        $uniqueName = pages()->names()->uniquePageName($nameNew, $page);

        $titleSelector = wire()->sanitizer->selectorValue($titleNew);
        $existingPage = wire()->pages->get("template=addon, title={$titleSelector}");
        $hasErrors = empty($addon);

        if ($existingPage->id == $page->id && !$hasErrors) {
            //bd("Page name has not changed, he have no errors, so no need to proceed...");

        if ($existingPage->id != 0 || $hasErrors) {
            //bd("We had errors, we need to clean things up...");
            $titleUntitled = "addon-" . date("YmdHis");
            $nameUntitled = wire()->sanitizer->pageName($titleUntitled, true);
            $uniqueNameUntitled = pages()->names()->uniquePageName($nameUntitled, $page);
            $page->name = $uniqueNameUntitled;
            $page->title = $titleUntitled;
            $page->addon = $addon;
            if ($hasErrors) {
                session()->error("Errors listed below must be fixed for this add-on to be saved properly!");
            } else {
                session()->error("Title is already in use by an existing one (ID '{$existingPage->id}'). Either change the Label and/or add a unique suffix!");
        } else {
            //bd("No errors, We can save provided values...");
            $page->title = $titleNew;
            $page->name = $uniqueName;

Note that the admin "new page creation process" skips the step asking for the title in the first place, so I had to handle the case of blank values as well when the user abandons the complete process of creating a page with the required text fields being filled in and saved.

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