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50 years of London Friend


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This is a site we created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of London Friend which is the UK's oldest LGBTQ+ charity.



It has a timeline that covers significant events of the charity's history together with a showcase of 50 inspirational Londoners who have made a difference to life in the capital.


The technical side of things is pretty much as you imagine. One choice we made was not to use ajax for loading the timeline events but instead loading all of the html and then leaning hard into caching and lazy loading of images.

We did use @markus_blue_tomato 's imageBlurHash module to produce placeholders for our lazily loaded images - although honestly you rarely get to see them.

For some of the pages the client wanted to be able to add footnotes so we created a text formatter than moves any text in a content block surrounded in square brackets into footnotes section and creates an anchor link. I'll tidy that up and pop it on GitHub when I get some time but feel free to nag me if you think it might be useful to you.

Other modules of note were ProCache and (of course) TracyDebugger. We also have some galleries on the site that use PhotoSwipe which is still our g to script for phot galleries.

We got great marks in Lighthouse, Observatory and Wave (even the timeline itself which is a complicated page still does very well).


It was great to be part of the celebrations (just a shame that I'm on holiday when the launch party happens... dammit)


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