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[SOLVED] Chrome marks some of my language pages as dangerous


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This is my first multi-lang site and client, bless his cotton socks, has chosen to have the site in at least 10 languages.

Have figured out many things but Chrome is not playing nice. The default lang is English UK (lang url code is 'default' or 'gb'). On some langs, esp English US (lang url code is 'en-us') and Japanese (lang url code 'jp'), it's flagging the pages as "dangerous - could be phishing". All works fine in Firefox.


1. How to stop Google flagging valid lang pages as dangerous?
ANSWER: Use the language code NOT the country code in the URL, eg English US = en-us (not just 'us') and Japanese = ja (not 'jp').

2. On langs that don't follow the 'English' convention of text LTR, how do I set alternatives in the HMTL? eg Japanese is 'top to bottom, right to left'. Have done what I can in the CSS using logical properties (eg margin-block-start, padding-inline-end, etc)
ANSWER: Add the language name as a class in the body tag then set the writing mode in CSS, eg:

/* japanese */
body.japanese {
  writing-mode: vertical-rl;
  min-height: auto;
  overflow-x: auto;



Edited by psy
Problem solved
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  • psy changed the title to [SOLVED] Chrome marks some of my language pages as dangerous

Glad you figured it out!

On 10/31/2022 at 9:54 AM, psy said:

1. How to stop Google flagging valid lang pages as dangerous?
ANSWER: Use the language code NOT the country code in the URL, eg English US = en-us (not just 'us') and Japanese = ja (not 'jp').

Is this documented somewhere or did you find this by trial and error? They flag you just for some url segments?!

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Hi @Jan Romero The PW docs refer to language codes. I didn't realise language codes and country codes were slightly different. Solution discovered by trial and error, and ironically, Google's Search help. Initially the warning only appeared when that lang page loaded, but once done so, the whole site had "Dangerous" in the browser address bar. Refreshing using the default lang cleared the message.


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