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sell or offer PW website templates


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Not really. The difference being that wordpress assumes you are wanting to write a blog, and as such there are a reliable set of core fields and design expectations that are the bare minimum and take into account the minimal technical back-end file structure required to accommodate 'the loop'.

The good news is, you don't have to use a template that is that sophisticated for Processwire. ANY HTML template will do - even from an old static website. And since every field is essentially a custom field (like ACF or pods) it takes very little effort to convert an existing static HTML design with slices into a template that Processwire can use.

The simplest form for using regular HTML is probably the 'direct output' strategy: https://processwire.com/docs/front-end/output/direct/

To get that sort of simple construction methods for Wordpress quickly you often need to use a tool like Pinegrow that can take a static HTML template and split it up appropriately into the various default template files and structure that Wordpress can accommodate. But it you are already going that far, you may as well develop it yourself.


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As you can use almost ANY available HTML in ProcessWire... the part of buying templates/themes is self-explanatory.

While selling themes... there are some (3 or 4 I know of) but that's it. As ProcessWire is so individual in a lot of areas, creating themes only works out for basic setups like blogs or something.
That's the reason I dropped most of my starter profiles a while back. Those worked for what they were but supporting tons of "I need this, that, and whatever ... BUT without paying anything" made me drop them completely.

Yet selling full-projects based on ProcessWire is thing that works out pretty well if you know your audience/niche.

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