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Anyone working on a CrowdSec bouncer integration for PW?


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Is anyone out there working on a Crowdsec bouncer integration for ProcessWire?  I know there's an official module for WP - but wonder if anyone has considered, or is currently working on, a port or native version for PW?

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Hey and thanks for the interest. I am head of community at CrowdSec and I had never heard about ProcessWire before this, so thanks for pointing me to it.

I haven't heard of anyone working on a bouncer (or parsers or scenarios) for ProcessWire. I won't rule out that anyone is, but I doubt it.

Could I ask what motivates you to specifically ask for a bouncer? I would say that it probably also would make sense to have a parser that's able to parse PW logs and a scenario able to detect attacks such at bruteforce access to the PW backend (assuming that there is one) for instance.

Both the Wordpress and Magento bouncer is really a specialized version of the generic PHP bouncer. Here's an article on how to use it with Drupal but in reality it works with anything PHP. 

If more people are interested in PW support it would be a great idea to join our Discord and talk about it there. 

I hope this was to any help. If I can do more please let me know.


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