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Non Superuser full access to trash


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Maybe I'm missing a point here, but I could not get my users to empty the trash. In my site I've got a Couple of user roles with limited rights for different parts of my page. Above them all there is one role with access to the whole page, users and form entries but not superuser (due to the nature of my clients I do not want them to fiddle around with forms or modules). So some users have the right to delete pages, but cannot access the trash, while the "master role" is supposed to empty it from time to time. 

What rights do I need for this role to empty the trash without opening every page manually? Or is the "empty trash" button strictly for superusers?

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In all versions of ProcessWire up till now, the Trash item (in the PageList) has only been available to the superuser. When an editor would delete a page, it would go into the trash, but they wouldn't be able to see it there or restore it. That was always a job for superuser. But in ProcessWire 3.0.107, now you can optionally make Trash available to non-superusers. To enable it, to go Modules > Configure > ProcessPageList, and click the checkbox at the top to “Allow non-superuser editors to use Trash?”

Source: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.107-core-updates/#trash-for-all

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Thanks. Yes  I've read this one and I already use it. But the SU has the right to empty the Trash completely, while any non superuser has to go the whole way edit->delete->confirm for every single page in trash.


What I try to achieve is making this button available for users below superuser.

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I am not sure if this is possible, because non-superuser can only delete their own pages. So this button would make no sense in this case, because they would never have the option to empty the whole trash, just their own.

Maybe it is worth checking out this module, if you want a clean trash: https://processwire.com/modules/cronjob-empty-trash/

In my experience clients usually don't care about the trash. ?

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