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Setting new API via Wire


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I believe I found a bug (https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire/wire/);

// Create a new API variable named 'widgets'
$this->wire('widgets', $widgets);

This didn't work but.

// Alternate syntax for the two above
$this->wire()->set('widgets', $widgets);

Did work.

This was in the `init.php` file using just `wire()` not `$this->wire()`. 

Anyone else had this issue? 

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There's a small but important difference between wire() and $anything->wire(). The first is the wire() function defined in Functions.php and documented here. The other is the Wire::wire() method you linked to. The first one just retrieves values but can't set them. So it's more of an inconsistency between those two than a bug.

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