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Templates, fields and (maybe) pages exported to PHP code

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Hi Guys!,

When i'm developing some Modules usually i use the Admin interface for try/adjusting the configuration of all the objects ( Templates, Field, Pages ). So at the end i need to use the ProcessWire API for create each of those objects... and it is difficult (for me) to translate all on code, because some Fields/Templates can have a particular configuration and sometimes i really don't remember all the names of the parameters :(

It will be useful (maybe) to have a button to export all in PHP code to copy/paste in the Module.


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We're planning to have JSON export/import for fields. Templates are a little different in that they have a file on the disk too. But we can still make the data structures templates portable in the same way as fields. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was just gonna post this as a feature request. I'd be great to have a way to export the fields/templates setup to later copy the files to the production server and recreate the fields/template structure without any data.

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