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$input with multi-dimensional arrays


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Hi all,

could it be that input()->post does not cope with multi-dimensional arrays from POST data?

Example data (pasted from Firefox network analysis):

	"add[91896][]": [
	"add[89364][]": "30430",
	"nr[91896][30227]": "a",
	"nr[91896][30312]": "b",
	"nr[89364][30430]": "c",
	"nr[91896][30332]": "",

My code:

        print "===add=== "; print_r($_POST['add']);
        print "===nr=== "; print_r($_POST['nr']);

        print "===add=== "; print_r(input()->post('add'));
        print "===nr=== "; print_r(input()->post('nr'));


===add=== Array ( [91896] => Array ( [0] => 30227 [1] => 30312 ) [89364] => Array ( [0] => 30430 ) ) 
===nr=== Array ( [91896] => Array ( [30227] => a [30312] => b [30332] => [30389] => [30364] => [30432] => [30208] => [30403] => ) [89364] => Array ( [30430] => c [30332] => [30350] => [30389] => [30384] => [30432] => [30403] => ) ) 

===add=== Array ( )
===nr=== Array ( ) 

Any ideas what could be wrong?

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