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How is data from a MongoDB database formatted on a user's screen by ProcessWire?


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Hello everybody,

I'm in the process of preparing my database data for import into a MongoDB database. Since MongoDB stores records as documents, the retrieved data needs to be formatted before it appears on the screen of a user. MongoDB uses records in BSON (JSON) format. I have 2 questions regarding this:

1. How is this done in Processwire?

2. Does the layout I want records to have on the screen of the user, require me to do certain things or add stuff when I'm setting up my document (= record) structure for a certain collection?

I'm not a developer and I do know how I want my data laid out on the screen of the users who are querying the database.

Any tips/explanations are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance guys!



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I haven't worked with mongo in years. From what I remember it is not a SQL type database, rather a document (json) type database. As such there is no "driver" to connect the database to ProcessWire as with PDO (Unless things have changed in those years).

That being said, you could write a json parser to import the documents from mongo to create pages in PW. You say that you are not a developer, so this task will be quite complex, depending on the document references. I would not recommend you take on such a project. Is it possible to hire a developer to accomplish your task? (Assuming you want to migrate from mongo to mysql).

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