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undefined variable in functions.php


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anyone, any ideas how to solve? 

i get following error on a website:

Notice: Undefined variable: out in /var/sites/i/islandmemorials.co.uk/public_html/site/templates/includes/functions.php on line 43

and this is a code in that very functions file:

  function numberOpen() {
    $currentHour = date('G');
    if($currentHour > 9 && $currentHour < 21) {
      $openFor = 21 - $currentHour;
      if($openFor > 1) {
        echo "We're currently open for another ".$openFor." hours, why not pop in?";
      } else {
        echo "Our lines are open for another hour - <a href=\"tel:+01983 857 600\">01983 857 600</a>";
    } else {
      echo "Unfortunately, our lines are currently closed, but you can still send a message below";

	function getSubNav($pid) {

				$test =  wire('pages')->get("/services/");
				$parents =  wire('page')->parentID;
				$template = wire('page')->template;
				$out = '';

				//echo "pid".$pid."<BR>";
				//echo "parents".$parents."<BR>";
				//echo "template".$template."<BR>";

				$children = $test->children;
				foreach($children as $child) {
				    $class = $child->id === $pid ? " active" : 'inactive';

					if ($child->id === $pid ) {
						$class= 'active';

					elseif ($template= "memorials"  &&  $child->id === $parents ) {
						$class= 'active';

					$out .= "<li><a class='{$class}' href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>";

				return $out;



i suppose this has to do with a variable scope, but not sure

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if ($child->id === $pid ) {
	$class= 'active'; // Why are you declaring it here for the 2nd time?

elseif ($template= "memorials"  &&  $child->id === $parents ) { // $template == ... missing double equal sign btw
	$class= 'active';

I think you get Undefined because you are overwriting class after the first declaration and then sometimes your if statements never run (depending on false conditions) and so $class is not set at that point.

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