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Get file path by hash tag


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$pagefile->hash() is a method - it calculates/returns a value when you call the method. It doesn't represent some data that is stored in the database, so it's probably not a good candidate for finding a file.

The unique property of a file in a Files field is the name. In other words, a given file name can only occur once in a given Files field on a given page. You can use phpMyAdmin or Tracy Adminer to take a look at the data that is stored in the database for a Files field.

If you explain more about your scenario and what you're wanting to do then people might be able to suggest a workable approach.

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Thanks for the info @Robin S I have  a page where a user can select from a series of files which are then sent with a form post, these files are then zipped on the fly for the user to download. I would need to send a list of files to a form processor page that would collect the files to be zipped dynamically. Of course to do that I need a unique identifier to be passed. 

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10 hours ago, maddmac said:

I would need to send a list of files to a form processor page that would collect the files to be zipped dynamically. Of course to do that I need a unique identifier to be passed.

What will suffice for the unique identifier depends on if the selectable files are all stored in the same field on the same page. If they are then the values in your select multiple that the user chooses the files with can just be the filenames of the files,  e.g.

<option value="filename_foo.pdf">Foo</option>

But if the files come from multiple Files fields on the same page then you'd also need to include the field name, e.g.

<option value="my_files_field|filename_foo.pdf">Foo</option>

And if they come from multiple pages then you'd also need to include the page ID, e.g.

<option value="1234|my_files_field|filename_foo.pdf">Foo</option>

With the second two options your processor page template would explode the received values on the pipe character so you can validate and get the relevant file from the relevant field on the relevant page.

10 hours ago, maddmac said:

I would need to send a list of files to a form processor page that would collect the files to be zipped dynamically. Of course to do that I need a unique identifier to be passed.

What will suffice for the unique identifier depends on if the selectable files are all stored in the same field on the same page. If they are then the values in your select multiple that the user chooses the files with can just be the filenames of the files,  e.g.

<option value="filename_foo.pdf">Foo</option>

But if the files come from multiple Files fields on the same page then you'd also need to include the field name, e.g.

<option value="my_files_field|filename_foo.pdf">Foo</option>

And if they come from multiple pages then you'd also need to include the page ID, e.g. <%

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