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Folding@Home Medical Research Project


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Hello All,

In the middle of this pandemic, I came across a citizen-science site that I think we should all consider helping out. It's called folding@home and aims to produce the largest distributed medical research computer cluster in the world, in order to solve protein folding problems, that should help develop treatments (or cures) for multiple medical conditions we all face.


If you, or your company, have any spare internet connected resources, please consider joining the cluster - it's fairly easy to setup the client and connect. I'm running this on my linux laptop and hope to keep doing so. It's quite CPU intensive so you get to choose the level of resource usage it can have. For example, to control my CPU temperature. I've limited to just a single thread on an i7.

Please support if you can.



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Just to confirm, the folks at Folding@Home are using the cluster to search for drugs that might be of use in preventing SARS-CoV2 from initiating infection. So by donating your CPU compute resources you will immediately be helping in research that could save a lot of lives. You can read more about there current efforts here.

If you have GPU power that is idle some of the time, you can also have Folding@Home work packets run on that, though I think the SARS-CoV2 research is currently only running on CPUs. There's still plenty for GPUs to work on though.

More about the project on Wikipedia.

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