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image popup on home page


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hey guys we are using processwire version 3.0.42, we have an important notice that we want to show on the home page of our website. its an image and it should load once the website is loaded and there should be an option to close the popup appearing. is there any plugin that can help us get this done or some code any kind of help would be useful. its a litle urgent.

thanks in advance.

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As far as a modal plugin, I would check out izimodal or jquery modal (there are hundreds out there and tbh I am forgetting one I believe a member here created that I love ? ). 

You could create a page named notifications with your image field and then pull that information directly into your homepage (in whatever markup you need for the modal).


** Noel Boss made featherlight.js

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I do see that processwire does have vex . There is a a section on "including vex in your project" that might be helpful to you. However, to my knowledge there are no true "built-in" frontend modules for modals. The great thing (in a lot of people's eyes) is that processwire allows you to use whatever you want in the frontend (be it frameworks, jquery, etc etc). Are you currently using any css framework on you project like uikit/bootstrap/foundation? A lot of these have built in modals that you you include in your template. 


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