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Unexpected text position outside of <p>


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There is something I can't figure out about about text fields and their position in the HTML code. 

There is a field which is a multi-language text area with CKEditor called "a_01_text". 

<p class="wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay="1.3s"><?=$page->a_01_text?></p>

After filling the field with "Some text" through PW, the result in HTML code is totally different than what I expected as my text is actually outside of the designated <p>: 

<p class="wow fadeInUp  animated" data-wow-delay="1.3s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 1.3s; animation-name: fadeInUp;"></p>
<p>Some text</p>

I was getting crazy trying to understand why my CSS rule wouldn't work on this text, until I realised this. It happens only with textareas, not with simple texts.

Can anyone please explain why this happens and how I can fix this? 

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If you view the page source (right-click + view page source, i.e. not the "formatted" version you see in dev tools), is that actually what you see there as well?

Since a_01_text is a CKEditor field it'll return markup, and in this case that markup probably consists of a paragraph (<p>Some text</p>). Since you can't have a paragraph inside a paragraph, your browser might be "correcting" it to this. How 'bout converting that wrapping <p> element into a <div> instead?

<div class="wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay="1.3s"><?=$page->a_01_text?></div>


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Thank you @teppoI think you nailed it! 

If I look into the page source, it happens exactly what you predicted as there is <p> inside my original <p>: 

<p class="wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay="1.3s"><p>Some text</p></p>

I could use your solution replacing the original <p> into a <div>, but I'm wondering if there is another solution as I'm doing a quick job and using a template which means I'd have to change most of CSS around the whole website in this case.  Any other way of fixing this?

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@lele_ballackthe only fix would be to not use CKEditor for this field, as CKEditor will output Markup. Whenever you put CKEditor Markup inside a <p> Element you will get the same result. 

As a reminder: Whenever outputting CKEditor, use a proper div, article, aside element to wrap the output. 


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