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Tournament brackets


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Hi, i´m building a sports website where you can sign up and get your own profile that is also linked to a team page. On the team page i want 1 user to be admin and could edit the page as well. I also trying to build/implement a Tournament Bracket example (https://codepen.io/rzencoder/pen/JaQreL) or (https://codepen.io/mattpantoja/pen/eYmzKjR) page where the user could set up there local tournament with say 8/16 etc competitors based on the users on the team. I have set up a tournament_page.php and a page reference to the team (option), but i dont know how to save the value of the options (front end) to the page. Also i want to make a result list afterwards based on the values. 

The example link above is jquery, maybe its better to work on a simpler php solution instead im really lost here.

If there is someone out there that have a better idea of something that could make this work i would highly appreciate it. I´m just a beginner at php so i really need some help from you guys /thanks

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1 hour ago, Flashmaster82 said:

The example link above is jquery

Nope. One uses React, the other plain vanilla JS (ES6).

You are actually asking more than one question.

  1. How to display such stuff in the frontend? (to some degree answered by your CodePen examples... but I doubt you want to use React just for one single widget like that)
  2. How to display such stuff in the frontend with contents that come from PW?
  3. How to save the user's combinations / choices (result lists) in PW?

How familiar are you with ProcessWire? How familiar are you with JS?

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