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Regenerate cache when page is saved or published.


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I'm looking for the right way to regenerate page cache when a page is saved or published so it has cached version when a user hit on the frontend. All that I can think about is to send get a request like:

$this->wire->addHookAfter('Pages::saved(template=post), Pages::published(template=post)', $this, 'clearCacheFile');

public function clearCacheFile($event) {
		$page = $event->arguments[0];
		$pages = $event->wire('pages');


		if(count($clearPages)) {
			$this->wire('modules')->get('PageRender')->clearCacheFilePages($clearPages, $page);
			$this->message(sprintf($this->_('Cleared cache file for %d page(s)'), count($clearPages)), Notice::debug);

		$http = new WireHttp();


But I'm not sure is that good way and what pitfalls it would have? 

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17 hours ago, Zeka said:

But I'm not sure is that good way and what pitfalls it would have? 

Since you have an array(ish) $clearPages, it looks like you want to recreate the cache for depending pages too (blog categories/tags pages etc.?) so I'd guess you'd have to make a request for each of those. It might become a runtime issue if you have multiple complex pages to render, but the worst that could happen is that rendering breaks at some point and the first request to an uncached page is slower.

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