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PDF Upload Error


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Hi all, 

I am having some issues uploading a PDF to our website (a problem we’ve had before).

I have tried reducing the size of the PDF but the problem seems to be with generating the thumbnail image because the upload works under the Fallback mode but the thumbnail is terrible (see attached). 

Does anybody have any advice about this? Please note that I'm not a developer. 





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @Fanni,

a little late and only litte information but here is my guess. As you say the error message points to thumbnail creation from pdf. Behind the scenes following modules are most likely used:

  • Imagick (Php Extension)
  • Ghostscript (PDF Interpreter)

and maybe

  • ImageMagick

From other non-processwire projects I've experienced a similar behavior caused by the used ghost script version. So ghostscript is where I would start. (You can read about a similar issue here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53560755/ghostscript-9-26-update-breaks-imagick-readimage-for-multipage-pdf) You could check your gs version under linux with something like `

/usr/bin/gs --version 2>&1 

on a shared host phpinfo() might tell you the used version as well. If not your hosting provider will for sure tell you. 

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