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My videos page is incorrectly linking to the wrong video :(


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My videos page is only showing one page and not the others ? Link here -> http://biz265.inmotionhosting.com/~lovero8/videos/

Currently 4 videos are shown (as expeccted) and it is linking each accordingly. But each page only shows the first link to the first video, not each one like it's supposed to - UGH!
I mean, each of the 4 pages only shows the link, description, etc. of the first posted video,thats not right.

I cant figure out why.

    namespace ProcessWire;
    $settings = $pages->get("template=settings");
    $videos   = $pages->get("template=videos");

<nav pw-append='content-body'>
        echo "<p>{$videos->youtube_description}</p>";
        echo "<p>{$videos->youtube_link}</p>";

    We would love if you shared this video. Please feel free to copy and share the link below:
    <p><input class="uk-input" type="text" value="<?php echo $videos->youtube_sharelink; ?>" id="myInput"></p>
    <p><button class="uk-button" onclick="myFunction()">Copy Link</button></p>


<aside id='sidebar' pw-prepend>
	<?=ukNav(page()->rootParent, "depth=3")?>

    function myFunction() {
        /* Get the text field */
        var copyText = document.getElementById("myInput");
        /* Select the text field */
        copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); /*For mobile devices*/
        /* Copy the text inside the text field */
        /* Alert the copied text */
        alert("Copied the text: " + copyText.value);


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I don't understand most of what's going on there, but the problem is probably that your $videos variable will always be the same page:

$videos   = $pages->get("template=videos");

Since you're using $pages->get this will always match the first page of template "video" on your site, independent of the current page. I don't know your tree structure, is the video a field of the current page, or a sub-page? In those cases you probably meant to use $page->get or $page->find.

@Klenkes Beat me to it ^^ But you can normal selectors inside $pages->get, though the results may be unintuitive because it will always return the first page found.

Just as a sidenote, check out the new Clipboard API, it's pretty cool. I'm using it here and it works well?

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5 minutes ago, Klenkes said:

In short:
$pages->get is supposed to get 1 page only, and you can't use template as a selector.

Try something like:

$videos = $pages->get($page->id);

This way you get the video of the current viewed page.



That was it, haahaa, I knew it was something simple. Thank you amigo.

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21 hours ago, Klenkes said:

$pages->get is supposed to get 1 page only, and you can't use template as a selector.

Not true, this it totally legit:

$settings = $pages->get("template=settings");

When the setting template is set to only allow 1 page of that type, it will return the settings page; Similarly for the search page, you can do

$search = $pages->get("template=search");

this can be safer than referencing by ID – in most cases the search page is 1000, BUT if a client mistakenly trashes the search page, and you create a new replacement search page, then the template selector ends up being safer.

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