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Github now has free private repositories


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Gitea is great. I had gogs (which gitea forked) running on a server of mine for a while, but gitea is more active and open. But I must also say I only use it locally to move repos from my laptop to the desktop for all the WIP stuff, which doesn't need to be in some cloud already.

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8 hours ago, bernhard said:

Thx to @Robin S

I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for @flydev's topic. 

Interestingly it seems that not everyone is happy about free private repos on GitHub: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/01/free-github-accounts-now-offer-private-repos/


This change, however, fundamentally altered the site, and not for the best. Given the option, many developers may now find themselves tempted to make all those little personal projects private rather than public. Many's the time I've heard a developer promise to release the source to a neat little program "just as soon as I tidy the code" or similar. That tidying never happens, or at least, it's never enough to get the code into a state the developer feels is satisfactory to unleash on the world. As a result, many programs that would previously have been published as open source will now be closed up forever.


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