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[SOLVED] URL rewriting - removing first cat and mix


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Hi All, I am newbe to PW (was in Joomla for more then 10 years)...

I got this kind of URLs:

1. Is there some natural way I can rewrite URL so it will be (except arranging backend in this order)

2. If rewriting, will it (significantly) impact speed?

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@Leftfield  Welcome to the community.

The easiest and most performant way is just to make page tree reflects your desirable URL structure. But often such structure looks messy. 

You can change it by using URL segments and rewriting page paths for your category and post templates.  

For example, for blogs, I use such a structure


I got such URLs


But I want to have such URLs and I want that every post can be listed in several categories, but for preventing contend duplication I want that it has only one accessible URL 


To make it work you have to:

1. Enable URLs segments for your home page.

2. Create to Page Reference fields and add it to your post template

  • blog_section - Page reference field ( Page field value type set to Single page, selector 'template=blog_category') - this one we will use for building URL for the current post.
  • blog_categories - Page reference field ( Page field value type set to Multiple pages, selector 'template=blog_category')

2. In your ready.php

$pages->addHookAfter('Page(template=blog-category)::path', function ($e) {
	$page = $e->object;
	$e->replace = true;
	$e->return = "/" . $page->name . "/";

$pages->addHookAfter('Page(template=post)::path', function ($e) {
	$page = $e->object;
	if ($page->blog_section) {
		$slug = $page->blog_section->name;
	} else {
		$slug = $page->parent('template=blog')->name; //fallback

	$e->replace = true;
	$e->return = "/" . $slug . "/" . $page->name . "/";

3. In your home.php 

if ($input->urlSegment3) throw new Wire404Exception();

if ($input->urlSegment2) {
  $post_name = $input->urlSegment2;
  $match = $pages->get($sanitizer->selectorValue($post_name));
  if (!$match->id) throw new Wire404Exception();
  echo $match->render();
  return $this->halt();

if ($input->urlSegment1) {
  $category_name = $input->urlSegment1;
  $match = $pages->get($sanitizer->selectorValue($category_name));
  if (!$match->id) throw new Wire404Exception();
  echo $match->render();
  return $this->halt();

It's not tested and there can be some errors, but I hope you get a general idea. 

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12 hours ago, dragan said:

What does your current page (page-tree) structure look like?


Got it from @Zeka. I will finish it. The other thing was: Does it slow down? Does it reflect on the speed?
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