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[BUG] Different output for logged in / logged out users


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I'm having an issue where you see different output based on whether you are logged in or not:

<div class="px-1">
  <div class="flex flex-wrap -ml-1 -mt-1" uk-scrollspy="target: > div; cls: fade-up; delay: 100;">
    <?php foreach($value as $item): $item->block = $blocks[$item->size->value]; ?>
      <?php if($item->size->value != 'half' || $item->prev()->size->value != 'half'): ?>
        <div class="pl-1 mt-1 <?=$item->block['class']?>">

        <?php if($item->size->value == 'half'): ?>
          <div class="flex flex-wrap -ml-1 -mt-1">
        <?php endif; ?>
      <?php endif; ?>

        <?php if($item->size->value == 'half'): ?>
          <div class="pl-1 mt-1 w-1/2 lg:w-full">
        <?php endif; ?>


        <?php if($item->size->value == 'half'): ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

      <?php if($item->size->value != 'half' || $item->next()->size->value != 'half'): ?>
        <?php if($item->size->value == 'half'): ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

This works great when you are logged in! It keeps the 'half' sized blocked grouped together when they are next to each other. See output: 

<div class="pl-1 mt-1 w-full lg:w-1/3 uk-scrollspy-inview fade-up" style="">
    <div class="flex flex-wrap -ml-1 -mt-1">
        <div class="pl-1 mt-1 w-1/2 lg:w-full">
            <a href="[hidden]" class="block-half block no-underline relative bg-grey bg-cover overflow-hidden">
                <div class="group absolute pin p-3 md:p-6" style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)">
                    <h2 class="text-base md:text-lg xl:text-2xl lg:w-2/3 text-white uk-scrollspy-inview fade-up" style="">About us </h2>
                    <h2 class="text-base md:text-lg xl:text-2xl lg:w-2/3 text-black uk-scrollspy-inview fade-up" style="">Our practice</h2>
                    <span class="absolute pin-b pin-l ml-3 md:ml-6 mb-3 md:mb-6 xl:text-xl flex items-center opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transition text-white">View About us</span>
        <div class="pl-1 mt-1 w-1/2 lg:w-full">
            <a href="[hidden]" class="block-half block no-underline relative bg-grey bg-cover overflow-hidden">
                <div class="group absolute pin p-3 md:p-6">
                    <h2 class="text-base md:text-lg xl:text-2xl lg:w-2/3 text-yellow uk-scrollspy-inview fade-up" style="">Feed </h2>
                    <span class="absolute pin-b pin-l ml-3 md:ml-6 mb-3 md:mb-6 xl:text-xl flex items-center opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transition text-yellow">View Feed</span>

Perfect! However, when you are logged in it displays like this:

<div class="pl-1 mt-1 w-full lg:w-1/3 uk-scrollspy-inview fade-up" style="">
   <div class="flex flex-wrap -ml-1 -mt-1">
      <div class="pl-1 mt-1 w-1/2 lg:w-full">
         <a href="[hidden]" class="block-half block no-underline relative bg-grey bg-cover overflow-hidden">
            <div class="group absolute pin p-3 md:p-6" style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)">
               <h2 class="text-base md:text-lg xl:text-2xl lg:w-2/3 text-white uk-scrollspy-inview fade-up" style="">About us </h2>
               <h2 class="text-base md:text-lg xl:text-2xl lg:w-2/3 text-black uk-scrollspy-inview fade-up" style="">Our practice</h2>
               <span class="absolute pin-b pin-l ml-3 md:ml-6 mb-3 md:mb-6 xl:text-xl flex items-center opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transition text-white">View About us</span>
<div class="pl-1 mt-1 w-full lg:w-1/3 uk-scrollspy-inview fade-up" style="">
   <div class="flex flex-wrap -ml-1 -mt-1">
      <div class="pl-1 mt-1 w-1/2 lg:w-full">
         <a href="[hidden]" class="block-half block no-underline relative bg-grey bg-cover overflow-hidden">
            <div class="group absolute pin p-3 md:p-6">
               <h2 class="text-base md:text-lg xl:text-2xl lg:w-2/3 text-yellow uk-scrollspy-inview fade-up" style="">Feed </h2>
               <span class="absolute pin-b pin-l ml-3 md:ml-6 mb-3 md:mb-6 xl:text-xl flex items-center opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transition text-yellow">View Feed</span>

Which breaks the layout completely. 

I have ProCache & ProDrafts installed but both are turned off. I've tried Incognito mode both logged in and out to see if it's a caching issue, however it seems completely down to be logged in or not? Strange one. 

Anyone know what's going off here? I'm going to try `->next("include=all")` as that's the only thing I can think off at this point. If it works then it must be a bug.



->next("include=all") fixes it. This is a bug as all repeater items are published. 

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I believe this is because $page->next() is for traversing pages as they appear in the page tree. So when you use it on a repeater page it will refer to the next sibling page in the page tree, in the Repeaters section under the Admin branch. Those pages use a system repeater template that is accessed controlled. Non-superusers don't have access to those pages themselves, they only have access to repeater items via a repeater field value (a RepeaterPageArray). Whether this is a good thing or not has been under debate here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/183

A better option might be to use WireArray::getNext() on the repeater field value, which will hopefully avoid the access issues for non-superusers.

// $value is repeater field value
if($value->getNext($item) && $value->getNext($item)->size->value != 'half')


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