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[Looking for] 3rd Party Scripts, Tools, Services and Modules


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I guess... we all love and use 3rd party scripts, tools, services and modules for our ProcessWire projects.

From image galleries to contact forms and newsletter subscription services lot's of things are already there and ready for use.

So I am looking for your most common used and trusted scripts, tools, services and modules.


You may ask yourself why I want to know this and before hiding everything behind curtains here is the answer:

I plan to create a collection of ready to use ProcessWire snippets for common and often used scripts, tools, services and modules.

Therefore I'd like to know what you use for your projects so I can create those ready-to-use snippets.
I already have a broad collection of snippets I use everytime but I think there could be much much more.

For example: I like to use Owl Carousel 2 and Slick slider for image galleries and/or sliders and Mailchimp as a newsletter subscription service.

The main goal is that I want to provide working solutions and answers for ProcessWire starters.
More and more questions in the forums are 3rd party related (How do I use this gallery script in PW? or How does this service could be used in PW?) and for those I want to create a copy&paste / ready-to-use collection of snippets.


So... I ask you to tell me your most used scripts, tools, services and modules. Feel free to share your trusted 3rd party options with me.


P.S.: I don't ask you for your snippets and solutions as they are your business secret and someone already paid you for it. But... if you want to share your scripts with me and the public you are more than welcome.

P.S. 2: Modules will be part of this collection


Things, thoughts and details about my project so far:

  1. Idea: born
  2. Domain: registered
  3. Hosting: paid / sponsored
  4. Scripts: in progress
  5. Tools: in progress
  6. Services: in progress
  7. Modules: in progress
  8. Free, premium, freemium: free (no ads, no tracking, no affiliate links)
  9. Authors: you & me (full credits given to you)



Ideas, thoughts, questions, answers? Let me know!

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