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Background Color - Line between Content Boxes - Mysterious Black Box


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I'm relatively new to MailChimp (working on second campaign), and there are a few things I can't quite figure out.

1)  I would like to use a background color in each content box, but all I can seem to do is highlight put background behind the text.

2) I would like to put a line between each topic.  How do I do that?

3) I have a black box between my last topic (content box), and the MailChimp footer that I can't seem to get rid of.


Thank you,


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12 hours ago, Janice said:

I'm relatively new to MailChimp (working on second campaign), and there are a few things I can't quite figure out.

1)  I would like to use a background color in each content box, but all I can seem to do is highlight put background behind the text.

2) I would like to put a line between each topic.  How do I do that?

3) I have a black box between my last topic (content box), and the MailChimp footer that I can't seem to get rid of.


Thank you,



This is the Forum for ProcessWire CMS/CMF.  While some of our Forum members may be able to assist you with your question, the best place to get answers would be to ask this question in the MailChimp Support Forum


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