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Plain JSON PHP file in a template with ProCache

Eunico Cornelius

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Hi, I am trying to create a PHP page in my website that is hidden and produce a plain JSON format. However, when I implement json_encode on my string, the result is not only a plain JSON but also a <!DOCTYPE HTML>.... I have created a new page and a new template that has it's cache disabled, but it still doesn't work.

this is what my code looks like 

$data = "[{'title':'AAAAA','url':'https://google.com'}]";
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($data);

This is what I currently get

"[{'title':'AAAAA','url':'https:\/\/google.com'}]"<!DOCTYPE html><html>....</html>

This is what I am trying to achieve


What am I missing here? I am also using ProCache.(dont know if it has any influence since I created and disable cache in a new template)

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