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is there a list of core field options/properties for module development?


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I am trying to make a module and it should create some pages during installation but I need a list of the field type properties/parameters that I can use with the field types.

I've found http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/fields/field-properties/  and https://processwire.com/api/variables/fields/

neither shows the properties available such as how to make a field "required", or format a date field's input or output etc

I'd like to format some dates, require some fields and stuff like that

thanks in advance

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If you go to a field's settings in the admin and then open the Request Info panel in TracyDebugger you'll see this. It's most of the settings available, but some like "required" doesn't show unless you have it checked for the field in question.



Alternatively, also while visiting a field's settings, you can do this in the Console Panel:


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Besides Adrian's excellent suggestions...

Many of the common inputfield properties are outlined here: https://processwire.com/api/ref/inputfield/

For properties specific to a particular inputfield type you can read the code comments in the core files, or if you have the very handy API Explorer pro module you can browse the properties in a nice interactive interface within the PW backend:


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