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Deactivate / disable default language


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is it possible to deactivate the default language. I've setup a multi-language-site (default=de / en / si / hr / ru ) with a blog system. Some of the news articles will be translated to all languages, some will be only available in specific languages. Therefore I've used the build in function to activate or deactivate the pages under the settings tab.

Everything's working fine but now I need to not dispay an article in default=de language? How would you solve this problem?

Many greets...

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It's not possible to deactivate the default language in PW.

You can create custom inputs (checkboxes) to enable/disable specific language for page and then in your template check whether this page is viewable for this language and if not throw 404. 

In that way, you will rely on custom inputs for languages, so default language checkboxes should be checked for languages. You can use this hook for that

$wire->addHookAfter('Pages::added', function($event) {
  $page = $event->arguments(0);
  foreach ($this->wire->languages as $lang) $page->set("status$lang", 1);

One drawback that I'm thinking about is that in your find() methods you have also check if this page viewable for this language. 

This is not tested but may work. 

Also, take a look at this module, you may find it useful in some cases


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