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Picqer/Exact API


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Hello all,

Was wondering if any of you tried to include the Exact PHP client by Picqer in Processwire (URL)? I am trying to at the moment but I am stuck at the Authorization process. Building it inside a module file to execute a certain function every 6 hours to update something on the website. For the authorization process the file has to execute the following piece of code:

header('Location:'. $urlThatRedirectsMeToTheLoginOfExact);

But each time I am trying  to do so, I get the following error: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /processwire/index.php:55). I am out of options so that's why I am trying to find someone who used this library and could get it to work or someone who knows how I can fix it.

Tips are highly appreciated (if they work ;))

Cheers, Harmen

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