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How to access protected template fields when bootstraping


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Hello again! 

Unfortunately I came across another problem. 

I have a "regular" ProcessWire setup and want to create a separate php script. That script should be executed by a cron job and is bootstrapped with my PW setup. Main goal is to send mails which are stored in a email field. 

My problem: I want to access a specific field from a template where only specific users have access to. Right now, the cron job is executed as "guest", of course. 

How can I bypass this restriction, so that I have access to that specific field (it's only one email field)? 

Does it make sense to set current user via api? 

Hope you can help me out there.


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Just an idea, you could create a new role, e.g. "cron-role" and assign to this role the permission "page-view".

Then you add a new user, e.g. "cron-user" and assign to this new user the new role "cron-role".

Now you add the role "cron-role" to the template you want to access the email field via "Template > Access".

And in your bootstrapped script, you could write something like:

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

include_once ('/path/to/pw/index.php');

$cronuser = wire('users')->get('cron-user'); // get the user "cron-user"
if($cronuser instanceof User) wire('users')->setCurrentUser($cronuser); // if found, set the current user to "cron-user"
else die('bad user'); // not sure about the die() call but whatever its an example

if($cronuser->hasRole("cron-role")) { // check if the role is assigned
    echo wire('pages')->get('/mysekretpage/')->sekretemailfield; // get the sekret field
else {
    echo 'access denied';


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