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ProcessWire Core & jQuery Future !


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7 hours ago, szabesz said:

I do not see how UIkit is a dependency here. Ryan has just shown us that he could replace the old skin with a new one in a relatively short period of time. UIkit 3 is currently a modern, easy to personalize "framework" on which experienced developers have been working for months if not years. How could the ProcessWire community build something better than that? Without some sort of framework there is no documented/conventional way to implement things which makes it hard (if not impossible) to adhere to some sort of "standards".

my comment was ironic about avoid 3rd party dependencies

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I learned with ProcessWire that the Internet could work just fine before single page applications :P

I'd love some parts of PW to work as a SPA module, for example, a kind of template-field creator where you can create in a very agile way template-field relationships and the template context overrides. A kind of "template designer".

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I have read some good posts here that make a lot of sense to leave pw with it's api, php and jquery. It was then the main reason why so many moved from evo to processwire. The forum was vibrant and newbies came in every week for the no nonsense, making so much sense functionality of processwire. To me it is always the same story: people just can't leave their hands from something that is working perfectly good. It just has to be stuffed, cranked, pimped or changed in some way or another. Oh "it is evolution" I hear you say "we have to go with the latest stuff that is going around". We'll why not change the use of php for ruby on rails then, that would be something cool, right ? Not ! Please don't crank the core and leave the back end with jquery. Instead we should put our energy in processwire marketing it's - no nonsense, making so much sense functionality.

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jQuery is fine, but backend / jQueryUi dependencies should be removed. Why use a external form framework in frontend instead of the PW form / inputflieds? I know the form / inputfields work in the frontend, but designed for backend use only and not supported in frontend.

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  • 4 years later...

Very dumb question on a 5 year old thread; is jQuery still "native" anywhere in Processwire? If I choose to use jQuery - because I am old and slow... - should I just keep pulling it in with a link in <head> or does PW already load it somewhere else?

What is the current state of this discussion; does PW now only have pure vanilla js? Or no js at all?

I could probably find out combing through files...

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11 hours ago, modifiedcontent said:

is jQuery still "native" anywhere in Processwire

Yes, it is used for many things in the admin panel. On the frontend you are free to choose whatever you like.

I think you are talking about the frontend. IMHO you should avoid using a CDN to integrate jQuery into your site, because of GDPR regulations in the EU (if you reside in the EU) and also I experienced times, where the CDNs failed or took a long time, so the whole site was blocked because it could not load jQuery.

Nowadays I don't use jQuery anymore and try to write everything as vanilla JavaScript. jQuery has a simpler syntax sometimes, but adds additional Kilobytes to the load and execution time of your website. It was great some years ago, to overcome browser inconsistencies, but that is not needed any more.

You might read You Might Not Need jQuery

To avoid discussion: This is MY opinion and everyone can decide for themselves what to use.

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