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Menu issue


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Hello, the following code is for rendering my menu. The templates articles (child is article) and blogs (child is blog) have no childeren (yet). For some reason every menu item gets a "dropdown" class. Also the pages that should not have them. What am I doing wrong here?

<ul class='nav navbar-nav' role='navigation'><?php
    echo "<li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>";
        // top navigation consists of homepage and its visible children
        foreach($homepage->children as $item) {

            if($item->id == $page->rootParent->id) {
               echo "<li class='"; if($item->children->find('template!=blog|article')) echo "dropdown"; echo " active' aria-current='true'>";
            } else {
                echo "<li class='"; if($item->children->find('template!=blog|article')) echo "dropdown"; echo "'>";

            echo "<a href='$item->url'"; if($item->children->find('template!=blog|article')) echo "class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' role= 'button' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false'"; echo ">" . $item->title . "<span class='caret'></span></a>";

            if ($item->children) {
                echo "<ul class='dropdown-menu sub-menu'>";
                foreach ($item->children as $child) {
                    echo "<li><a href='" . $child->url . "'><i class='fa fa-angle-double-right' aria-hidden='true'></i>" . $child->title . "</a></li>";

                echo "</ul>";
            echo "</li>";
            $item->children = Null;

        // output an "Edit" link if this page happens to be editable by the current user
        if($page->editable()) echo "<li class='edit'><a href='$page->editUrl'>" . __('Edit') . "</a></li>";

    <!-- language switcher / navigation -->
        foreach($languages as $language) {
            if(!$page->viewable($language)) continue; // is page viewable in this language?
            if($language->id == $user->language->id) {
                echo "<li class='active'>";
            } else {
                echo "<li>";
            $url = $page->localUrl($language);
            $hreflang = $homepage->getLanguageValue($language, 'name');
            echo "<a hreflang='$hreflang' href='$url'>$language->title</a></li>";

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Thanks @bernhard, that did not work as expected.

I ended up using this multiple times.

if($item->template->name == 'basic-page')

This works as expected, but the only downside that a basic-page has to be the parent. On this site that will do just fine.

It is rather inefficient, but this is a Multi language site so the menu title have to come from the pages.

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1 hour ago, webhoes said:

Getting a flexible menu in a loop remains a tricky thing.

sometimes it can be a little tricky, that's true. but usually it is not.

do you know the rendernav function of the default site profile?

 * Given a group of pages, render a <ul> navigation
 * This is here to demonstrate an example of a shared function and usage is completely optional.
 * @param array|PageArray $items
 * @param int $maxDepth How many levels of navigation below current should it go?
 * @param string $fieldNames Any extra field names to display (separate multiple fields with a space)
 * @param string $class CSS class name for containing <ul>
 * @return string
function renderNav($items, $maxDepth = 0, $fieldNames = '', $class = 'nav') {

    // if we were given a single Page rather than a group of them, we'll pretend they
    // gave us a group of them (a group/array of 1)
    if($items instanceof Page) $items = array($items); 

    // $out is where we store the markup we are creating in this function
    $out = '';

    // cycle through all the items
    foreach($items as $item) {

        // markup for the list item...
        // if current item is the same as the page being viewed, add a "current" class to it
        $out .= $item->id == wire('page')->id ? "<li class='uk-active'>" : "<li>";

        // markup for the link
        $out .= "<a href='$item->url'>$item->title</a>";

        // if there are extra field names specified, render markup for each one in a <div>
        // having a class name the same as the field name
        if($fieldNames) foreach(explode(' ', $fieldNames) as $fieldName) {
            $value = $item->get($fieldName); 
            if($value) $out .= " <div class='$fieldName'>$value</div>";

        // if the item has children and we're allowed to output tree navigation (maxDepth)
        // then call this same function again for the item's children 
        if($item->hasChildren() && $maxDepth) {
            if($class == 'nav') $class = 'nav nav-tree';
            $out .= renderNav($item->children, $maxDepth-1, $fieldNames, $class); 

        // close the list item
        $out .= "</li>";

    // if output was generated above, wrap it in a <ul>
    if($out) $out = "<ul class='$class'>$out</ul>";

    // return the markup we generated above
    return $out; 

another hint that may help: sometimes it is a lot easier to use the has() method to check wheter to append an active-class or not.

for example:

// create a pagearray that has all the parents of the current page + the page itself, but not the homepage (id=1)
$active = $page->parents('id>1')->append($page);

// loop all items
foreach($menuitems as $item) {
  // set menuitemclass active if the current item is part of the "$active" pagearray
  $cls = $active->has($item) ? 'active' : '';
  // echo the item
  echo "<li class='$cls'><a href='{$item->url}'>{$item->title}</a></li>";

...would make the code much more readable than a lot of if-statements. also recursive functions help a lot to make the code cleaner.


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