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Selector for the value of a dropdown built with a PageArray


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Hi all,

I've created a dropdown field on one of my templates by using the usual PageArray method, and now I'd like to select pages with it.

The pages that populate the dropdown field have a type and a single value. (Title: Red, color_code: 0xf00)

My problem is that it seems that the only way to select is by page id, which seems ugly, because I have to do something like this:

$pageIdForColor = [
"0x00f" => 2067,
"0x0f0" => 2068,
"0xf00" => 2069

$page = $wire->pages->get("parent=/boxes/, color=" . $pageIdForColor["0x00f"]);

Since all of my colors are already defined as pages, it would be great if there were a simple way to select by the color_code instead of having to re-create the mapping.

I'm imagining something like this:

$page = $wire->pages->get("parent=/boxes/, color->color_code=0x00f");

Anyone have any thoughts on how to simplify this? One idea I have is to just drop the PageArray method and code up a custom FieldType with these values fixed in it, since they don't need to be edited very often.


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Hey Buddy

I would be insterested what the "usual" way is? :)

Decodesiffering your post...

I think you can simply first query the color pages. It will give you a PageArray with the color pages, with that you can then use directly to find the pages with these colors selected through a page field.

// get all pages with at least 1 of these colors, this will return a page array, if you echo it you'll get a list of IDs
// here "color" is the text field with the color string
$pagesForColor = $pages->find('color=0x00f|0x0f0|0xf00');

// we find all pages that have at least one of the colors selected
// here "color_select" would be the page field
$result = $pages->find("parent=/boxes/, color_select=$pagesForColor");

It's that what you're looking for?

PS: Don't use $page or $pages variables for the results of queries. YOu may overwrite the template system variable with that name.

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Thanks Soma,

Your suggestion is exactly what I was looking for, and it works perfectly.

(And to answer your other questions, the "usual" way was what I saw described in some other forum posts, and no, I'm not working with templates.)

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I'm not sure what you mean by the pageArray method, but if what you mean is the Page FieldType, you should be able to do this:

$color = $pages->get("color_code=0x00f");
$page = $wire->pages->get("parent=/boxes/, color=$color");

edit: oh, didn't see the previous posts... they appeared while I was writing

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