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rubber band overscrolling


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Hello for all,

I have a small problem with my portfolio (Portfolio). When scrolling and sliding to the right, the content always jumps slightly. I could test it on chrome and safari. In Mozilla, however, the error does not occur. Maybe someone has a tip since I am still a beginner and does not know where the error comes.

Many Thanks

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I'm not seeing any jumping problem with scrolling/dragging/swiping in Chrome on Windows or in Safari on iPad.

But from an interface design point of view I think there is a bit of an issue in that there is nothing to indicate that there are multiple items in the work section and that the user should should scoll/drag/swipe to see more.

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Hi Andreas_D, 

This isn't due to an error or bug, it's intended Mac OSX functionality. However, it's awful. I hate when browsers change the way the page functions. 

Now for the work around. I would do something like this, it's not perfect, I just threw it together, but it should work in your case. 

$(window).on("wheel", function(e) {
	var delta = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120;
	var edge = [0, $(document).height() - $(window).height()].indexOf($(this).scrollTop());
	if(delta > 0 && edge == 0 || delta < 0 && edge == 1) e.preventDefault();


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@Andreas_D just read that you are a beginner, firstly welcome to ProcessWire. As a beginner, you couldn't have started anywhere else better. I wish I knew about ProcessWire when I started rather than struggling with WordPress. Even now I'm a professional, ProcessWire is something that grows with your skill. It really is the best CMS/CMF out there for everyone at all skills. 

If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to DM me, I'm always happy to help. 

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Thank you Tom. I think the problem for me with the rubberband overscrolling is that it runs well on Mozille but not Safari or Chrom. To recognize mistakes and find solutions is just really difficult. But the forum is already great were all very helpful. 

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