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move or copy content between pages


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I wonder, how you can enable a client to copy or move content from one page to another.

I'm aware, that template constraints my be a hindrance, since what is a valid element on the source page may not be valid on the target page. Is this simply a task, which is not in concord with the spirit of PW?

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Are you talking about copying/cloning an entire page? If so, install the ProcessPageClone module, which is included with the core (just click install from the Modules screen.

But if you are talking about cutting/copying a block of text and putting it somewhere else, then of course nothing can beat your browser's built-in copy/paste. :)

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I agree with both your claims. My case is just between. As an example: I'm using a repeater field for an accordion (perhaps 20 items).

How can I shift the accordion (and only the accordion) to another page?

Only way: API, or module using API :)

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My case is just between. As an example: I'm using a repeater field for an accordion (perhaps 20 items).

How can I shift the accordion (and only the accordion) to another page?

If you clone the page with the repeater, it should make a copy of the repeater items as well.

But if you need to take that repeater and literally put it on another page, then ask yourself: is this a one-time thing, or something I need to do multiple times? If multiple times, then consider adding a page reference field so that one page can opt to choose the repeaters from another, rather than maintaining duplicate entries across pages. But if it's just a one-time thing, then I don't have an easy answer outside of using the API to do it.

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I think the answers sum up to: If you need to shift content around, then it should be organized as pages, which can even have templates attached. My understanding therefore is, that I really tried it the wrong way, since repeaters are not exactly the same as page references.

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