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Blank page bites again (solved) -> new sanity check?


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Hi everyone!

ProcessWire is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. Can you imagine actually having fun rolling out a CMS?

Problem is after two days I found one of my new websites showing nothing but a blank page, with no obvious way of debugging. Set $config->debug to true, disabled compilation, the works. What had happened was that config.php was not readable any more by the server, due to some ACL changes I had made (I had u:wwwrun:r--, and then when I chmod'ed the file from 640 to 600, it got masked to  u:wwwrun:---).

That also means in order to debug it I had to instrument the top-level index.php file, which is a bit scary...

Funnily enough, this line

$config = ProcessWire::buildConfig($rootPath);

causes $config to be nothing (I guess that means empty string, not NULL or anything), so "echo $config;" doesn't display anything in the browser either... :)

Can I suggest to add a sanity check here to see if $config has been populated? Forgive me for not making a pull request, I'm pretty new to ProcessWire, and I'm not sure I could tackle it in an internally consistent way...

Again, kudos² to all devs and contributors, best regards, Jörn

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You shouldn't need to touch index.php, unless you're doing something really unorthodox.

Are you logged into the PW admin (assuming that resolves)? Verbose errors will be supressed if not.

You also might check /site/assets/logs/ for an error log, or your server logs.

Hope that helps!  Welcome.


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