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Ajax data being stripped from URL


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I'm in the process of rebuilding a WordPress site over into ProcessWire (Yay!)

I'm using Ajax to call a page (ajaxAgenda) from the homepage which includes a PHP file (partialAgenda) which makes the call.

This is what I got in the included partial. Notice that the URL has a / at the end to prevent redirection.

var page_number = 1;
var get_agenda = function(){
		type       : "GET",
		data	   : {pnum: page_number},
		dataType   : "html",
		url        : "/components/ajaxAgenda/",
		beforeSend : function(){
		success    : function(data){

And in the Ajax called file I have the following

echo $page->url.'<br>';
echo $input->get->pnum.'<br>';
echo $_GET['pnum'].'<br>';

which only outputs "/components/ajaxagenda/". pnum is empty and get is also also empty

It seems like the variables are simply being stripped from my Ajax call. Or am I missing something really obvious?

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I tried the following:

I put the file I call through ajax in the root (so I'm simply calling a php file rather than a page with a template) and am able to read out the get variable that way. But I'd rather not do it this way and would like to maintain calling a page with a get ?variable. Is there some kind of setting I'm missing?

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I'm not sure what's behind the issue you're seeing, but I tested basically the same code and it works for me.

In the source page:

    $(function() {
        var page_number = 12345;
            type: "GET",
            data: {pnum: page_number},
            dataType: "html",
            url: "/two/",
            success: function(data) {
                console.log('data: ' + data);

And in the template for page "two":

if($config->ajax) {
    $num = $input->get->pnum;
    echo "Num: $num";
    return $this->halt();

Logged to console:

data: Num: 12345


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Does it still work for you when you include the given source page as separate php file using WireIncludeFile()? My exact situation is as follows:

 page using basic-page.php template which uses WireIncludeFile() to include partialAgenda.php where the ajax call is which calls a page using ajaxAgenda.php template

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Okay, so I got this working by turning on URL segments and retrieving the segment[n] in the called file, still haven't figured out why it doesn't work with GET  variables.

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