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A Question about Object Property Visibility


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Why don't Processwire Objects have all their properties visible?



Here's what I mean. Take this super stripped-down class for example:

class MyClass
    public $public = 'Public';
    protected $protected = 'Protected';
    private $private = 'Private';

$obj = new MyClass();


MyClass {#244 
  +public: "Public"
  #protected: "Protected"
  -private: "Private"

This is straight from PHP's manual on Property Visibility.


Now, if I do this with two different Processwire Modules, this is what happens.

$soc = new Socicons();
$other = new InputfieldSimpleMDE();

dump($soc, $other);


Socicons {#248}

InputfieldSimpleMDE {#113 
  +data: array:20 [▼
    "label" => ""
    "description" => ""
    "icon" => ""
    "notes" => ""
    "head" => ""
    "required" => 0
    "requiredIf" => ""
    "collapsed" => 0
    "showIf" => ""
    "columnWidth" => ""
    "skipLabel" => false
    "wrapClass" => ""
    "headerClass" => ""
    "contentClass" => ""
    "textFormat" => 4
    "renderValueFlags" => 0
    "requiredAttr" => 0
    "initValue" => ""
    "stripTags" => false
    "showCount" => 0

Now, Socicons is a module I am currently writing, and it has about a dozen public properties. In the first example, the dump of the $obj class included all of that class' properties - so why don't I see all of the properties encased within Socicons? Secondly, why are all the properties of the InputfieldSimpleMDE within a data array?

I'm sure this is part of the way that Processwire is written or configured, but I am often scratching my head over this. So again, I am hoping that someone can answer this for me.

Why don't Processwire Objects have all their properties visible?

Thank you!

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