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$files->include() don't get vars from _init.php??


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Hi, in my _main.php when I use the native PHP include() function, I can get in the include file, the vars declared in _init.php, but if I use the PW functions $files->include(), $files->render() or wireRenderFile() I don't have access to this vars. It's normal? I need to pass all this vars explicitly to the PW function? An example vars in _ini.php is $styles = $config->urls->templates.'styles'; ..I use the PW namespace in all my files..

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Have you looked at the template in the backend of processwire and checked to make sure that the checkbox for "Disable automatic prepend of file: _init.php"  is unchecked? I believe by default processwire appends this file to all templates (unless you uncheck it) giving access to what is defined in init (someone please correct me if I am wrong).

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Only the native include() function does implicitly share variables with included php files. Any userland functions/methods cannot do that, which is why $files->include() cannot do it as well. $files->include() is there, because it's aware of processwire's filecompiler, if you don't need that you can simply use include() as well. 

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louisstephens the prepend file option is ok, thanks.

@lostkobrakai - thanks for clarifying that. Another question for you: what is best (in your opinion of course) for stuff like twitter cards, facebook cards, prefetch tags, etc.. use an include file with the logic + markup, or use a function that do the logic and return the same markup?

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3 hours ago, Pixrael said:

what is best (in your opinion of course) for stuff like twitter cards, facebook cards, prefetch tags

I use a partial template for those. I have a meta-social.php where I keep FB, Twitter specific meta tags, and call it (and optionally pass specific variables) with wireRenderFile('partial/meta-social', ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]); inside template files. Same for JSON+LD data for microdata.

region('foot+', partial('meta-breadcrumbs'));
region('foot+', partial('meta-site'));
region('foot+', partial('meta-analytics'));
region('+head', '<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//www.google-analytics.com">');

For prefetch tags, like CSS, and JS that needs to be in every page, I use _init.php that is prepended to every template (using $config->prependTemplateFile), but template specific assets goes to individual template files.

If you're using delayed output strategy, I recomment region() function that comes with Functions API (enable $config->useFunctionsAPI = true) where you can define regions and append prepend any string. 


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3 hours ago, abdus said:

I use a partial template for those. I have a meta-social.php where I keep FB, Twitter specific meta tags, and call it (and optionally pass specific variables) with wireRenderFile('partial/meta-social', ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]); inside template files. Same for JSON+LD data for microdata.

region('foot+', partial('meta-breadcrumbs'));
region('foot+', partial('meta-site'));
region('foot+', partial('meta-analytics'));
region('+head', '<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//www.google-analytics.com">');

For prefetch tags, like CSS, and JS that needs to be in every page, I use _init.php that is prepended to every template (using $config->prependTemplateFile), but template specific assets goes to individual template files.

If you're using delayed output strategy, I recomment region() function that comes with Functions API (enable $config->useFunctionsAPI = true) where you can define regions and append prepend any string. 


I already use a configuration similar to you, where the modern favicon, social tags, json schemas, prefetch, etc. is under each own partial, and in _main.php I include the partials common for all pages, and the templates files put the rest, but instead of region() function I use the new <region> tags because allow me to use all the autocomplete features of my IDE. ..inside the partials sometimes I need to do adjustments before echo and the related queries are made there. A question: partial() is a function from your arsenal to include files eh?

My question to @LostKobrakai is because in some post before, he talk about using a call to a function to render the same partials in the head, something similar to the renderNav() function from the PW starter profiles..

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